Sunday, June 7, 2009

Excuses are not in Dr. Wayne Dyer’s vocabulary

I joined a new internet site, last weekend to market my book, The Cry of the Cuckoos, and I was surprised to see Dr. Wayne Dyer on the same site marketing his many self-help books. I’ve seen him on television and read some of the excerpts from his books. We are both in the same phases with our books that millions of other authors find themselves. The game is called PR and marketing.
Dr. Dyer has been called the “father of motivation,” by his fans.
The column I write titled, “Integral Life,” shares many of the same ideologies.
While he is on a very fast track and widely known nationally and internationally he certainly deserves the spotlight. His new book, “Excuses Begone!” was released in May of this year.
To think he grew up in an orphanage and foster homes blows my mind, but he was able to overcome obstacles we only read about. He has found some secrets to life which deserve more attention.
He's the author of over 30 books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.
His books Manifest Your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages, There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, and the New York Times bestsellers 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, The Power of Intention, Inspiration, Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Life, and now Excuses Begone! have all been featured as National Public Television specials.
Dyer holds a Doctorate in Educational Counseling from Wayne State University and was an associate professor at St. John's University in New York.
When he's not traveling the globe delivering his uplifting message, Wayne is writing from his home in Maui. I think I could write from Maui, but I prefer Mount Olive Road.
I couldn’t help but read some of the excerpts in his book which is made available to anyone choosing to download some of the points he makes in his new book. Here are a few.
1. Excuses Begone! is encouraging you to challenge patterns and feel inspired by a newfound awareness of the life hidden beneath your excuses. Invite yourself to move out of established thought patterns, and realize that there is nothing standing in your way of living at your highest levels.
2. You have an unquestionable ability to eliminate excuses—they’ll get up and go when they’re revealed as the false beliefs that they are. There’s simply no question about this!
3. You elevate your life by taking responsibility for who you are and what you’re choosing to become. You can transcend the ordinary, mundane, and average with thoughts of greater joy and meaning; you can decide to elevate your life, rather than have it stagnate or deteriorate with excuses. Go beyond where you presently are.
4. You can bring your desires to consciousness by disconnecting the power from your subconscious so that it can’t continue to run your life. Your subconscious (habitual) mind is accessible, so unearth the excuses buried deep within you. Become conscious!
“It’s a rare day when I don’t hear some variation of this excuse, including: “I didn’t go to college because it was too expensive,” he writes. “I haven’t been able to travel because I never had the funds,” and “I couldn’t go into the business I wanted because I had to stay where I was and earn money to pay the bills.”
“I call this belief lame and a cop-out, yet there seems to be almost universal agreement for its existence. You originated in a world of abundance, which you unquestionably have the ability to access.
“Whenever you discourage yourself with thoughts that your financial situation is preventing anything from appearing, that’s an excuse. If you instead decide to bring abundance awareness into your consciousness, you’ll shift your thoughts from I can’t afford it to ‘Whatever I need in the form of assistance to guide me in the direction of my life is not only available, but is on its way.’
“You’ll then consciously watch for the necessary funding to show up, but you’ll also be reminding yourself to believe that you have the ability to use abundance to elevate your life.
“Encourage yourself by realizing that you have the capacity to create a space within you that’s filled with peace and joy, an inner island of contentment that has nothing to do with money.”
The self-help age, while nothing new, is something to give a lot of attention to these days. Tried and true beliefs about ourselves and our limitations are excuses, as Dyer points out.
If we practice gratitude for the essentials of life we are giving ourselves a joy free of charge.
Dyer writes: “Oscar Wilde made this wry observation in 1891: “There is only one class in the community that thinks more about money than the rich, and that is the poor. The poor can think of nothing else.”
“I’d add that such thinking includes lamenting the fact that they’ll never have money. I advise tossing out this meme, and instead rewiring thoughts to connect with what’s intended to manifest, regardless of your current financial status.
“Whatever you feel is your dharma, and no matter how hard that calling seems to be pulling you, if you maintain the belief that you can’t manage to pull it off, I can assure you that you’re right. To paraphrase Henry Ford, whether you believe you can afford to do a thing or not, you’re right.”
Thanks, Dr. Dyer for helping us remember.

John W. Cargile, Msc.D, D.D. is a licensed pastoral psychology counselor. He is a member of the National Education Association and Alabama Education Association. He is the author of a new novel, The Cry of the Cuckoos. You can contact him at jwcargile@charter,net. All conversations are confidential.


  1. If Dr. Dyer's claims are true about a loving source that walks aside us; that tuning into the source through prayer begins a process of manifestation, why doesn't the source heal amputees?

  2. Dr. Dyer is an outspoken proponet of the Law of Attraction. Since it is described as a "law," meaning it has the same implication as the laws of physics such as it is immutable, how does he explain how the LOA applied to this loving and caring couple? While the future may be "guaranteed to no one," the LOA is explained is "you attract what you are." If this is truly a law, then this outcome needs to be explained consitently with that law. If this event did not abide by the law, then LOA is not a law.
    "Byrd and Melani Billings had a growing brood of adopted childeren with autism, Down syndrome and other disabilities, and took care to make their nine-bedroom house a safe place for them, wiring it with surveilance cameras in every room. It was those cameras that captured images of the masked men who shot the wealthy couple to death in a break-in executed with chilling precision."
